Welcome to Hillside Public Library

We support an environment that encourages community interaction and the opportunity to benefit from cultural diversity.


Ebooks & Streaming

Read with BiblioBoard, BookFlix, Freegal Music, Kanopy, Libby by Overdrive, Swan Libraries+ and TrueFlix.

Research and Learn

Whether you’re seeking educational materials, conducting research, or simply looking to learn something new, our library is here to support your intellectual journey.

Beyond Books

The Beyond Books Collection is a treasure trove of both enjoyment and practicality,  with a range of fascinating and useful items.

Print, Fax, and Scan

Visit the library to use a computer, access WI-FI on your phone or laptop, print, scan, fax, or pickup your remote printing.

Notary Public

Notary Public service is available at no charge to all visitors. Patrons seeking notary services should contact the library prior to their visit to ensure that a notary is available.

Meeting Rooms

The Hillside Public Library maintains two meeting rooms available to the public for their use for educational and cultural purposes.


New Materials

Discover the latest releases and timeless classics that have captured the hearts of readers and viewers alike.

Nuevos Libros en Español